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Why Coaching? 

Having a Personal Coach saved my life.  I can't imagine where I'd be today if I didn't have someone championing me and reminding me of who I am when I got lost, making me do what I thought was impossible.  


How does having a Coach change your life? 


You will...


Find Your Calling: I'll help you uncover what is intrinsically meaningful to you beyond the expectations and goals of others. Years from today, what will you regret having passed up?  Let's eliminate that possibility. 


Gain Clarity: Weekly coaching sessions allows you to set aside the time you need to focus on the big picture, charting your needs and wants, with my guidance I'll help you separate the emotional wheat from the chaff. 


Look at Your Entire Self: Personal growth is never about a slice of your life but the whole picture, relationship, finances, healthy, family, etc.  I'll take a holistic approach that will result in greater success and more balanced life for you. 


Leave Your Comfort Zone: I'll help you stretch the boundaries of your comfort zone.  There is nothing better than living a more expansive life, trust me.  It's been shown that calculated risk-taking, along with an ample amount of challenge are essential ingredients for a happy life. 


Fuel Up: I"ll help you monitor your level of energy and allocate the time and attention you need to keep it all going.  Together we'll identify your energy drainers and your energy gainers. 




I like to consider myself a bridge, meaning I've spent my life studying self-realization and transformation to reach a place where I can now assist you in finding your own inner guidance, gut instincts, and intuition. 

What does it mean to have intuition?  It means the mind is clear, no wondering about a to-do list or worries.  In our sessions, I am fully present, so I am able to pick up on information below the surface, share it with you and guide you to hear it yourself. You will learn to honor your TRUTH.  


My intention is to help you hear YOUR intuition and start to live from your true authentic self by stripping away false truths that have been accepted as your reality.


How do I do this?  By being a compassionate witness, a clear mirror and having weekly conversations with you. 


Coaching is about the present, a co-creative relationship where we build your future by changing the NOW


Once you've rediscovered your authentic self, you will live in action, not reaction. This is where life becomes truly magical.

Does it sound unbelievable?  It's not.


Once we start working together you will...





  • Know what you CRAVE! â€‹

  • Do what IGNITES you without excuses or limiting beliefs.​

  • Be living out your PASSIONS.

  • Know what your SOUL desires.​

  • Hear your HEAR​T.

  • Know how you FEEL at any given moment. â€‹

Why Consciousness?

​And then you'll be living a life of PURPOSE, ABUNDANCE, JOY, BLISS, and LOVE.


I wish I had a tincture to free you from suffering right NOW but the reality is it takes daily practice.  My job is to help guide you on your journey of self discovery. 


I'd like to get to know you better.  If you don't feel a solid YES! Then contact me for a free chat,  


I recommend to all my clients, The Intensive, it is a solid foundation for working with me.  Interested in having a horse join us? Click here.


Private Session by phone or in person, $125 an hour


For more testimonials and videos click here. 

​​The Work

“Everything is material for the seed of happiness, if you look into it with inquisitiveness and curiosity.  The future is completely open, and we are writing it moment to moment.  There always is the potential to create an environment of blame -- or one that is conducive to loving kindness."

-Pema Chodron

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